Secure Sockets Layer Certificates, commonly known as SSL Certificates, are a form of digital confirmation generated from a central authority that verifies the legitimacy of websites and web-based services.
They ensure information is securely transferred across the internet using the HTTPS standard, so data cannot be intercepted by hackers.
SSL Certificates are particularly important for websites and online services that process personal data (such as bank card information). Data Protection regulations all work to ensure that personal data is handled responsibly and securely. And a certificate ensures that your website isn’t the weak link in keeping data safe.

Why do I need an ssl certificate
With minimal regulation of the internet, it can be difficult to know which websites are legitimate and which are not. So in summary, An SSL Certificate is a way of proving that an organization's website belongs to whom it claims it does.
Websites that lack one are now flagged by modern browsers meaning that users are more aware when they’re on a site that lacks certificates. And because of this, some browsers even block these websites, damaging both your web traffic and reputation.